Always in my pocket

What is always in my pocket?

I bet it is the same as what is always in your pocket.

It a phone.

Broken Phone

And I don’t just have any phone. I have the Samsung Galaxy 7 Edge. Also known as the very cool but breakable phone cause it is made out of glass.

Okay Sign with a Wink

Regardless of the specs it comes with, it is my Personal Computer (PC) that is portable. I can do everything that I can on a computer on my phone. Actually I can power up my laptop to have WI-FI because of my phone. It is a powerful little device. I’ve grown so fond of having my phone as a tool that I still need it when I am off the grid. The quality of pictures is astonishing. I mean come on:

Cloud City- Inca Trail

That is instant quality just from a phone. I didn’t have to carry around extra weight, or fix my lens. All I did was whip my phone out and snapped this photo before the sun went down.

Again, my phone is very much so part of my life.

-So as a teacher do I want to make sure that my webpages can easily be seen from a mobile device such as my phone?


Honestly, that is what I like to much about Classdojo. class dojo icon

It is an app that acts as a portal for parents and teachers to communicate on. Students can even join in on the fun to communicate as well. What’s nice about it is that it is very user friendly. Most of the app’s function is all pictures which is all you need because people look at pictures more than they view text. What I like to do too is take pictures of what is going on in the classroom. It’s nice because my students can show who ever is at home what they were doing in school that day.

There are so many memes out there that make fun of how often we are always on our phones. We even get upset with our loved ones when the are on the phone too much. But it really is the best tool that we have around us. Instant gratification when it comes to looking up information. And that is what we like.

With anything there are pro and cons. The mobile learning is great because you can access your information from anywhere, but you are hunched over a screen. The truth is, that is where we are today. We like ease. And technology makes things easier.

Let’s move forward along with where technology is taking us.

I digg it.

2 thoughts on “Always in my pocket”

  1. Your images are great – I love that you use your own. As more of our students are using devices I agree that it is important that we engage them (and parents) through sites like class dojo. They might not always have their laptop with them but I am certain they have their phone (I know I do). The expectation for educators will be to move more content online and have more content be mobile friendly. Are we up for the challenge?


    1. I think we are up for the challenge, as individuals. It’s getting the district involved with it too.
      For example, when I was in high school I was part of the dance team where we had to journal every day. Sometimes there was a question we had to answer, sometimes I just left poetry because as a hormonal teenager that’s what you did. I spoke to the adviser of the program and she said that everything is online now. She uses the teacher website in order have the students post their journal entries. Which means that the district is involved or promoting the use of online entries.
      My district doesn’t do that.


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